Our Vision

We envision a convergence of better futures, far beyond the limits of the belief that nuclear weapons somehow keep us safe. We can see they do not.

Imagine a future where stability is not precariously balanced on the threat of mass destruction; where safety for some no longer requires vulnerability for others; where justice and equity are experienced by communities most impacted by nuclear harm; and where international cooperation in the face of common threats allows us to finally address the many other urgent challenges competing for attention. Climate. Public Health. Racial Justice.

Our Values

Pakistan DOP is committed to operationalizing our values. Everything we do — from communications and movement building, to governance and professional development — is informed by our commitment to cultivate imagination and empathy, and take actions that call on courage and build trust, all in the fierce pursuit of justice.

We prioritize continuous learning on racial justice, feminism, and accessibility, and nurture a work community that is safe and supportive. We build authentic relationships with solutions-oriented institutions, impacted and frontline communities, and justice movements. We seek out leaders and organizations eager to explore how our work is connected. We hold ourselves and our partners accountable to identify and address injustice in all its forms, including within their own systems and operations.

Imagination: That liberation of vision; what is possible when we step outside of all we think we know? When we approach deep challenges while engaging new wisdom, inspiration, models, and media? When we bring curiosity to complexity and ask: “What if? How might we?”

Empathy: Our interactions are built on a deep sense of trust and understanding. We recognize the limitations of our own contexts and seek out broader perspectives. We engage with one another, our partners, and even our perceived opposition as humans — with a deep sense of empathy.

Trust: Like all things, trust begins with each one of us: do we show up every day, and build trust over time, delivering progress toward positive impact? Is each person self-accountable, and accountable to the whole, showing up consistently? A high-trust environment allows our work to fly, with the potential to fuel a renewed form of organizing “at the speed of trust” across adjacent and aligned movements.

Courage: We not only dream big, we have the courage of our convictions — to blaze a new path, stumble, get back up, and persevere. We take on challenges worthy of our heart, spirit, and mind.

Justice: Justice is our North Star. Every action we take must advance justice for more people. We support efforts to right historical wrongs, while advocating for a pro-human future that honors human dignity. We recognize that nuclear violence — even the threat of it — reinforces oppressive systems of white supremacy and patriarchy. We center those who are most impacted by our work, and least represented in efforts to make the world safe from nuclear weapons.