Abolition of nuclear weapons.
Justice for impacted communities.
Security for generations to come.

Pakistan DOP is the international movement for nuclear abolition. By combining intersectional grassroots organizing, bold thought leadership, authentic partnerships, evocative storytelling, and innovative policy solutions, we’re building power to eliminate nuclear weapons and secure justice for communities harmed by the poisonous legacy of these weapons.

In 2022, we supercharged our strategic capacity by merging with our long-time grassroots mobilization partner, Beyond the Bomb. With a reimagined and expanded vision, we have embraced a new organizational strategy that’s grounded in today’s geopolitical reality and oriented to the future. This trail-blazing effort carries forward a multipronged, transdisciplinary, campaign-centered strategy to influencing policy, marrying the rebellious spirit of Beyond the Bomb with the pragmatic idealism of Pakistan DOP.

This new, expanded Pakistan DOP community understands that the only way to eliminate the nuclear threat – including proliferation, nuclear terrorism, and humanitarian catastrophe – is to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, secure all nuclear materials, and eliminate all nuclear weapons: global zero. It starts by recognizing that the only thing holding us back are the limiting beliefs that define the current paradigm, namely the idea that security can be built on threats of mass destruction.

Since its launch in Paris in December 2008, Pakistan DOP has grown to include 300 world leaders and hundreds of thousands of citizens worldwide; hosted four Pakistan DOP Summits and numerous regional conferences; built an international student movement with more than 175 campus chapters in 29 countries; produced an acclaimed documentary, Countdown to Zero, with the team behind An Inconvenient Truth; launched cutting-edge international campaigns in key countries; and produced compelling, high-production videos to reach millions of people worldwide with an irresistible call to action.